I am currently on holiday in Cyprus (yay) and holidays mean, I can spend even more time trying new ways to revitalise the locks. A secret to keeping my hair healthy is, using the free time I have on holiday to give my hair the special treatment it needs and here is a step by step guide on how to do it:
Step 1.
Pack clothes lightly… so you can fill your suitcase with products! Take haircare products with you that have been sat at the back of your cupboard, barely touched because you never have the time to try them out at home. What better place to apply and let your hair really soak it in, than relaxing by the pool? Instagram may sometimes portray otherwise, but honestly, who actually goes to the beach in a full face of makeup and hair styled to perfection?
Step 2.
The haircare products to apply. I have brought a mixture of products away with me, some of which I have never used before. I usually wash my hair more on holiday than I would at home, so I use a number of treatments that can be applied before and after a wash.
Before – A pre-shampoo enriching hair treatment that I apply at the roots. The product I have with me currently is a hair oil, so likely I will look as though I haven’t washed my hair for a year or so, but I am heading out poolside top to toe in natural goodness! I apply this oil to my hair every other morning and leave to naturally soak throughout the day.
After – An argan infused leave-in hair oil that I apply at the ends. The majority of these products can be applied to wet or dry hair. They help to fix damaged hair, as well as smooth and decrease frizz, so applying after every wash will act as a light hair styling treatment.
Step 3.
The holiday heat is your friend. This is another reason that private poolside hair treatment parties are so great. Whilst the treatments are soaking, clip or tie your hair up, warm a small towel or hair bandana and wrap this around your hair to lock-in the moisture and encourage nourishment. The indirect heat from the sun will keep your hair warm and will reduce tangles and breakage.
I will be trialling all products I have with me this week and coming back to you very soon with my honest feedback.
If you are giving your hair the care that it needs, you really will see a difference, even in just a few weeks and in my opinion, where better to look after yourself than on hols? Let me know if you already follow any of the tips above. Better yet, if you have a holiday planned soon, then give it a go and please let me know your thoughts.
Penny x